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“From Tubes and Cubes to Space Espresso” talk in San Diego

The challenges of eating in space have been a concern for mission planners since the earliest days of exploring beyond our planet – at one time it was questionable that we could even digent food without gravity. Once it was established that it was possible to eat in weightless conditions, scientists, bureaucrats, crackpots, and the astronauts themselves got into the act of improving their meals. Author and culinary historian Richard Foss presents a thoughtful and sometimes funny look at over five decades of extraterrestrial dining. The venue is the Neil Morgan Auditorium at the Central Library. This event is sponsored by the Culinary Historians of San Diego, and is free of charge.

January 9

Dried, Frozen and Rotted: Food Preservation in Northern Eurasia

February 13

Global Warning: Macrowaves on Stormy Restaurant Seas